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5 Point DIY Spring Checklist For Your Home Air Conditioner

Amazing Air Inc. Service

Spring is here in central Illinois which means summer is right around the corner. Do you know if your air conditioner is ready for this summer’s heat? Before you call the professionals at Amazing Air Inc., here is your 5 point DIY checklist for your air conditioner maintenance in North Aurora, IL.

These are 5 easy tips you can do yourself to be sure your air conditioning unit is working at peak efficiency. Even if you have to take your system down for a few hours on a cooler spring day, it is better that your air conditioner is down for a week in July. You can try out these 5 tips today.

Your 5 point spring checklist includes: change your filters, clean up outside around your air conditioning condenser units, clean the coils, upgrade your thermostat, and call Amazing Air, Inc.

Change Your Air Filters

The rule of thumb for changing your air conditioning unit’s filters is when they are dirty. The fact is, there are a lot of factors that go into when your filters need replacing.

  • Springtime is one of the easiest times to remember to change them
    This can be another good excuse to head down to your local home improvement store. It is also very convenient to order them online and have them shipped to you in two days. Amazing Air stocks filters for every system we sell. Just make one call and we can be there with the right part, installed.
  • Spring Clean Up Around Your Air Conditioning Condenser Unit
    All kinds of debris can land in and around your condenser unit. Clearing away any tree branches, leaves, and wind-blown debris can help maintain your outdoor condenser unit.
    Outdoor spring clean-up is the perfect time to give your condenser unit a visual inspection to let you know if you need to call in an expert for any major repair. Before the summer heat is here for the season.

Clean The Coils

While you are inspecting the condenser unit, this would be a perfect time to clean the coils. Using the right tool for this job is important.

While it is important for the coils to be clean so they can work efficiently, it is easy to damage them by using rakes, and other blunt instruments. If you need to use anything more abrasive than your hands, it may be time to call in the experts for air conditioning maintenance in North Aurora, IL at Amazing Air Inc. for a full precision clean we are an AC contractor in Naperville.

Upgrade Your Thermostat

There are two ways to upgrade your thermostat. You can use a programmable thermostat. The ability to change the temperature settings depending on your usage can save you quite a bit on your energy bill. Why cool your home while you are at work? Does your house need to be at a cool 72 degrees while you are sleeping?

A programmable thermostat will give you the flexibility to keep your home comfortable when you need it.

There are also wifi-capable programmable thermostats. In addition to programming your thermostat, you can control your air conditioner anywhere you have an internet connection. Using an app on your phone, you can program, and interrupt a program should your plans change. This way your air conditioner can run at peak efficiency and keep your home comfortable when you need it.

Call Amazing Air, Inc.

Amazing Air Inc. offers a maintenance plan that includes a full precision clean and checks of your entire HVAC system. These additional plans offer all kinds of benefits to keep your system running no matter the season.

Call us at (630) 859-8800 today to schedule  AC repair in Naperville.