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Baby it’s Cold Outside, and Inside?

If you are looking for furnace replacement Aurora, IL, at this time of the year, something profound has likely happened with your current furnace. If it hasn’t, you may want to check if a new furnace is necessary.

Furnace installation service in North Aurora, IL - Amazing Air Inc

How Do I Know If I Need a New Furnace?

There are a few tell-tale signs that you may require a furnace replacement Naperville. The first and most obvious sign is if you are constantly repairing or having a professional come out to fix your furnace. This means you need a new unit because these repairs will cost you more in a short period than it would cost you to buy a new furnace.

The second clear sign is if running your furnace increases your energy from year to year or even month to month. Running your furnace at a constant rate but paying more energy bills shows us that you are having efficiency issues. These may start at a few dollars a month, but your energy bills can eventually double or triple. This money could be put toward buying a newer and more efficient model, some of which will pay half your energy bill when it is at its lowest!

Third, your furnace is old. Chances are, if it’s nearing the 18-year mark, you are already starting to have problems one and two. This being said, if you aren’t, by all means, keep it running. As the saying goes, “age is just a number.” You might be one of the lucky folks that have an exceptional furnace. Just be sure to keep up with your annual maintenance service.

I Need a New Furnace, Stat!

Sometimes there is no saving your old furnace, and it’s time to start over. As sad as it is to admit, the money saved on repairs and energy usage is worth it. We have some of our favorites that we can suggest depending on the needs of your home, and we don’t get any referral kickbacks from the company. Still, these are our opinions on quality units from dealing with furnaces over many years.

If you find a killer deal or just bought a brand you’ve trusted in the past, rest assured that we can install it for you. The team at Amazing Air has had their hands on every furnace from every brand, so we can make sure we can do the job you need. But, of course, we couldn’t get away with calling ourselves professionals HVAC contractors in Naperville and Aurora! if we didn’t; now could we?!

furnace installation service in North Aurora, IL - Amazing Air Inc

When Can I Schedule a Service?

Amazing Air Inc. does only the best quality furnace replacement in Naperville. Contacting us is easy; we have a phone representative standing by 24/7 to assist you with any project or emergency. So call us at (630) 859-8800 today for furnace and water heater repair Aurora, IL, and we will have your house cozy and warm again in no time.