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Choosing The Right Furnace For You

The first decision anyone about to install a furnace in their house should consider is what type of furnace to go for. This decision should be made before you decide on the size, what area it will occupy, and sometimes even before you get the house. Any furnace is a good decision, but as with everything, we all have our preferences. What is suitable for one person might not interest another. For any help contact HVAC contractors in Naperville and Aurora!

Types of Furnaces

In terms of heat generation, furnaces can be categorized into two:

  • Combustion furnace (fuel type)
  • Electric furnace

A furnace is either powered by electricity or fuel – oil or gas. Both types are effective, with similarities and differences. When you compare their features, your choice will be much easier.

Electric Furnace

  • It is very efficient and requires little maintenance.
  • An electric furnace does not make much noise.
  • An electric furnace is durable.
  • Installation is carried out faster than that of a gas furnace.
  • There is a lower risk of fire or smoke incidence with an electric furnace.

Combustion Furnace

  • It has a lower operation cost since natural gas is cheaper than electricity.
  • Heat circulation is faster in a combustion furnace than in an electric furnace.

Installation of Your Preferred Furnace

After comparing the above benefits of the two types of furnaces, the next step is employing the services of a competent furnace installation company. There are a lot of companies around, but getting a trustworthy one is the key to a successful furnace installation. Amazing Air Inc. has been providing furnace replacement Aurora,IL, for 37 years, and we have thousands of positive testimonials to show. We install all types and sizes of furnaces effectively and to the satisfaction of our clients.

Call us today and book an appointment with one of our qualified service professionals for furnace repair Naperville, IL. Let us assist you with your furnace selection and installation.