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How Long Does a Furnace Last? – Average Lifespan Expectancy

When you install a furnace to avoid freezing winter temperatures, the first question that strikes your mind is probably how long it will last.

On average, heating installation costs around $3,000 in Aurora. You would not want to spend this amount on furnace replacement in Naperville within a few years. The furnace’s life expectancy and need for replacement depend on its performance more than the warranty.

3 Factors That Reduce the Furnace Lifespan

A furnace lasts for a minimum of 10 to 12 years. A well-maintained furnace from a reputed manufacturer can last up to 30 years, requiring only a few heating repair in Aurora, IL. A furnace rarely lasts more than 30 years. The factors that reduce the life expectancy of a furnace system are:

  • Installation Flaws: If mistakes are made during the furnace installation in Aurora, IL, it will deteriorate faster. Choosing the wrong furnace size is one of the installation mistakes. The wrong furnace size causes premature wear and tear. On the other hand, poorly designed ductwork and inaccurately installed fuel lines impact overall furnace performance. As a result, you will soon need a furnace repair in Aurora.
  • Common Heating Mistakes: During installation and while using the furnace, you should avoid common mistakes like not replacing the air filter regularly. If you do not replace your air filter, it will let the dirt accumulate on the other components.
    The unsuitable settings on the thermostat also put a strain on the furnace. If you don’t keep windows and doors closed and the gaps in them sealed, this will pressurize the furnace mechanism.
  • No Preventive Maintenance: If you do not schedule seasonal tune-up service for your furnace system twice a year, your heating equipment will need repetitive furnace repairs in Aurora. Annual maintenance helps you maintain a clean and defect-free furnace that runs smoothly.
    Avoid these common mistakes to frequent heating repairs in Aurora, IL, for a longer lifespan.

3 Signs Furnace's Lifespan Is Over

The furnace malfunctions may confuse you about whether you need a furnace repair in Aurora or a replacement. Below are the signs that let you know if you need a furnace replacement:

  • Frequent Repairs Are Required: If the heating system breakdowns have become too frequent and you are tired of scheduling repair services, it’s time to schedule a furnace replacement in Naperville. When heating life expectancy is over, it breaks down too often.
  • Too Much Electricity Is Needed: If your HVAC unit consumes excessive electricity even after maintaining it well and providing timely repairs, your furnace’s energy efficiency has reduced. In this case, the only solution is an energy-efficient furnace replacement.
  • A Malfunctioning Decade-Old Furnace: When the furnace is not well-maintained, it starts working abnormally soon after completing ten years. Therefore, if your old furnace also needs too many expensive HVAC repairs in Naperville, IL, call the HVAC contractors, for a furnace replacement and maintain it well for better life expectancy.

Trust The Right Technician

Choose a highly knowledgeable and reliable technician if you have decided to install a new furnace system to eliminate frequent repairs and poor efficiency. Amazing Air Inc. has been catering to the comfort needs of Aurora residents since 1979. Contact us at (630) 859-8800 or Email Us to book the most amazing HVAC contractor in Aurora.